Understanding burnout
The foremost expert on burnout is University of California psychologist Christina Maslach. The Maslach Burnout Inventory, a diagnostic psychological tool, is named after her.It breaks burnout into three factors:
Exhaustion: feeling over-extended by your work
Depersonalization: feeling alienated from your work
Personal accomplishment: feeling like you can never get enough done
If any of these are creeping into your consciousness, you might want to realign some parts of your working life.

Preventing burnout
John Coates' book, The Hour Between Dog And Wolf, goes deep into the physiology of stress.In it he observes that exhaustion, fatigue, and anxiety are all "messages sent from our body telling us what actions we should take"--which means that we need tolisten closely.
To get an idea of how, read our excerpt.
As the Burnout Inventory suggests, burnout isn't only physical, but also emotional. It happens when we don't see ourselves in the work we do.
An antidote, then, is to do work that's meaningful.
Thing is, you won't have time to ponder the meaning of your days if you're filled up with meaningless tasks. If we don't carve out the time to reflect, we sure won't. And remember: busy is the new lazy.
Finally, you won't be able to think unless you eat well.
According to Andrew Dumont, "eating the right food can help extend your runway."
We'd expand that even further:
eating with the right people can extend your network. And a bigger, healthier network.
Original article link: FAST COMPANY
Also check-out Andrew Dumont's excellent article: Avoiding Burnout
English: Recommended by Business Doctors: www.Business-doctors.at Also check-out Andrew Dumont's excellent article: Avoiding Burnout
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