Human beings are an open "radio system" made up of varying electromagnetic frequencies that naturally interact with all natural and man-made external energies.
These energies play a large part in our health and well being.
When we interact with natural and balanced energies such as Earth electromagnetic field, we reinforce the natural balance within our own energy system, our cells and our DNA.
When exposed to man-made frequencies, our body absorbs and stores such energy fields.
These are unnatural and chaotic electromagnetic field such as microwaves.
It can weaken our immune system and ultimately lead to illness.
Human body is a complex machine
It contains some 200 quintillion* cells which operate electrically and work like a system of generators, inductance lines and insulators.
(*200 quintillion is the number 200 followed by 18 zeros.)
This electrical energy plays an important role in the growth and functions of human body.
Our body's internal electrical circuits are "switched on" by an injury, infection, tumor or normal activity of body's organs.
To put it simply, our physical bodies is actually formed and developed from invisible electro-vibratory fields which control the creation of new cells to replace those injured, worn out, or die from diseases or environmental poisoning.
Controlling body functions
In other words, subtle energy field of the body provides instructions for reproduction, division, and function of all cells for optimum health.
Scientists found that electromagnetic radiation can adversely affect the physiological and other vital living processes.
More complex organisms have greater electromagnetic sensitivity.
Since human is the most complex, we are the most affected by electromagnetic field.
In fact, our cells are an "electromagnetic resonator" capable of emitting and absorbing radiations of every frequency.
Your body cell is a receptive antenna
Each cell in our body contains positive and negative charged elements that are kept in a balance on the inside and outside of cell wall.
Electromagnetic, ELF (extremely low frequency) and microwave radiation disturb and disrupt this critical balance.
It plays havoc with the millions of electrical impulses our body uses to regulate all cellular activity.
The random and unorganized photons radiating from these fields also act as electromagnetic "free radicals" (cancer inducers), which are often stored in cells as significant electrostatic charges.
This can cause major dysfunction at body's cellular, molecular, and atomic levels.
In his book, The Secret of Life, French scientist and bioelectric pioneer Georges Lakhovsky explains:
"The nucleus of a living cell may be compared to an electrical oscillating circuit. This nucleus consists of tubular filaments, chromosomes and mitochondria, made up of insulating material and filled with a conducting fluid containing all the mineral salts found in sea water."
"These filaments are thus comparable to oscillating circuits endowed with capacity and self inductance and therefore capable of oscillating according to a specific frequency."
In other words, human body composed of ions, minerals and a high percentage of water, is a strong conductor of energy.
Like metal, our body is a very effective antenna structure.
When exposed to its natural frequency, human body will pick up or resonate with that frequency, resulting in good health.
This is what happens when two violins are precisely tuned.
If the string on one violin is plucked or vibrated, the same string on the other violin will resonate and start to vibrate as well.
When exposed to the wrong frequency, our body's basic cellular system will be in disharmony.
And this will result in poor health and all kinds of diseases.
The science of cells
According to Lakhovsky, all living cells such as plants, human, bacteria and parasites possess attributes which normally are associated with electronic circuits.
These cellular attributes include "resistance", "capacitance" and "inductance".
These 3 electrical properties, when properly configured, will cause the recurrent generation of high frequency "sine waves" when sustained by a small, steady supply of outside energy of the right frequency.
This effect is known as "resonance".
One can compare it with a child swinging on a playground swing:
As long as the parent pushes the swing a little at the right moment (the correct frequency), the child will continue to swing high.
In electronics, circuits that generate these recurrent sine waves can be called Electromagnetic "resonators". But more commonly they are referred as "oscillators".
Outside electromagnetic interference & disease
According to Lakhovsky, not only all living cells radiate oscillations, they also receive and respond to oscillations from outside sources.
This outside source of oscillations is due to cosmic rays which bombard the Earth continuously.
Outside sources of oscillations with similar frequency with our cell will reinforce and strengthen the cell.
However, if these outside frequencies are slightly different, they might dampen or weaken our cell's frequencies.
This results in loss of vigor and vitality for that cell.
That is why cells of disease-causing organisms within an infected person produce frequencies different from healthy cells.
According to Lakhovsky, cells act like condensers that could store energy.
And the cells of all living organisms wage a continual war against microbes in "war of radiations".
If radiation of microbes win, the cell ceases to oscillate at a healthy level.
And the cell eventually dies.
If cell's radiations are powerful enough to oscillate at a healthy level, the microbe is killed and health is maintained.
Lakhovsky equates health with "oscillatory equilibrium" and disease with "oscillatory disequilibrium".
Why EMF pollution is the quick road to human extinction
We now live in a sea of dangerous and deadly EMF pollution that we cannot sense and has never before existed on Earth.
In some urban areas today, microwave and related electromagnetic radiation is estimated to be 1 billion times more than those naturally exists in environment.
This massive onslaught of new electromagnetic radiation is causing stress, disease, and other destructive effects over the world by interfering with the most basic levels of body cells especially human brain.
Human brain loves natural frequency
Specifically, human brain and brains of all living things evolve.
It has been regulated over a period of 3 billion years by Earth's naturally-occurring narrow band extreme low frequency radiation, commonly known as ELF.
Throughout history, this narrow range of frequency occurred only in the 1-30 Hz range and was produced by natural resonance of Earth's surface.
The only other electromagnetic radiation of any magnitude was in the 1,000 Hz range, which is produced during lightning discharges in storms.
The remainder electromagnetic spectrum was empty. There was nothing there.
But now the spectrum is no longer empty
It does not require great insight to realize that the vast new spectrum of electromagnetic radiation unleashed on humanity in the last 100 years is overwhelming.
These are highly destructive and disruptive on a scale unprecedented over a period of 3 billion years.
If we include the secret use of electromagnetic radiation to influence psychological behavior and health of human beings by military and even the advertising industry today (!), the epidemic of EMF exposure facing humankind now is even more alarming.
Man-made radiation scientist reveals
Dr Robert O. Becker is one of the most respected research scientists in the area of man-made radiation.
In his highly acclaimed 1985 book, Body Electric:
Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life, he cautions that human is hastening their own extinction with artificial radiation.
"We're dealing here with the most important scientific discovery ever, the nature of life.
Even if we survive the chemical and atomic threats to our existence, there's a strong possibility that increasing electro pollution could set in motion irreversible changes leading to our extinction before we're even aware of them."
"All life pulsates in time to Earth.
And our artificial fields cause abnormal reactions in all organisms.
Magnetic reversals may have produced the "great dying" of the past by disrupting the biocycles that causes stress, sterility, birth defects, malignancies, and impaired brain function."
"Human activities may well have duplicated in 3 decades what otherwise would have taken 5,000 years to develop during the next reversal.
Somehow these dangers must be brought into the open so forcefully that the entire population of the world is made aware of them."
German medical doctor reveals
Manfred Kohnlechner is a German medical doctor.
In his book Man Does Not Die in August, he described the effects of modern communication system installation on the health of inhabitants of a rural area in Bavaria.
Up to the time of installation, residents' health was incredible, comparing favorably to the health and longevity of Hunza people.
Within 6 months of the introduction of electrical lines and microwave towers essential for telephone, TV and radio communication, these previously healthy people began to die of cancer and heart attacks. They began to have cavities in their teeth.
These conditions were unheard of in the past.
This menace undoubtedly,
also plagues many developing countries today.
How are you coping with the assault?
Your comments below please.
Your comments below please.
"Why man-made Electromagnetic Radiation is more Harmful.
Did Government-Industry Block /
Distort the Truth on EMF hazards?"
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Article recommended by Business Doctors, Graz, Austria
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